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Razor clams from Palermo

Imagine yourself on vacation with these delicious razor clams! Razor clams from the North Sea as they are eaten in Palermo! A great appetizer that will make you feel like you're on vacation.
scheermessen palermo
Porties 4


  • 1 kg razors
  • 3 tenen garlic pressed
  • 1 red pepper chopped
  • zest of one orange
  • olive oil
  • sea salt
  • 100 g stoffeloto or another type of salami
  • 1 glas dry white wine
  • 1 bosje flat parsley
  • 1 baguette in pieces


  • Preheat the oven to 150 degrees
  • Place the baguette pieces on a baking sheet and sprinkle half of the chopped chili pepper, pressed garlic, orange zest and some olive oil over them
  • Bake the bread in the oven for 15 minutes and let cool
  • Sauté the rest of the pepper and some garlic in a large skillet
  • Cut the stoffelotto into small pieces and toss in the skillet
  • Add the razor clams and white wine
  • Put a lid on the pan and wait for the razor blades to open
  • Crumble the baguette and sprinkle with the parsley over the razor clams
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