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African curry with mussels by Mrs Seafood

Gang Hoofdgerecht
Porties 2 personen
Kcal 370


  • 1 kg mussels
  • 400 g choppedtomatoes
  • 200 ml coconutmilk
  • 2 small onions
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 3 cm freshginger
  • 1 freshchili pepper
  • 1 tl tumeric
  • 1 tl cardamom
  • 1/2 bunch coriander
  • olive oil


  • Finelychop the onions, garlic and pepper
  • Heat some oil in a deep pot in the mean time. Glaze themixture on a low heat
  • Stirthe ginger, tumeric and cardamom through the mixture
  • Addthe tomatoes and leave to simmer for at least 15 minutes
  • Pourin the coconut milk, stir well and let simmer again. The curry may get ratherthick as theĀ  the mussels will water it down a bit
  • While the curry is simmering, rinse the mussels and checkthem as shown on the packaging
  • Stir the mussels into the pan. Place a lid on the pan andlet simmer for about 4 minutes or until all the shells are open. Stir oncehalfway so all mussels cook at a similar rate
  • Pickand chop the corander and sprinkle on top to serve


Tip: this dish is great with some fluffy basmati rice
Trefwoord curry, rijst
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