At a stunning location, the Oceanium of Blijdorp Rotterdam Zoo, MSC presented their vision for the future of Blue Foods. Blue Foods, also known as aquatic or water-based foods, include everything we harvest from our waters, such as fish, shellfish, and crustaceans. This food category plays a crucial role in a sustainable and healthy diet, offering seafood specialists a unique opportunity to provide their customers with sustainable and responsible choices.
In the Oceanium, various preparations of 'Blue Food' were presented, including OYSRÍ, an oyster that also carries the MSC certification. Online content creator Jasper Riehm (@thatweirdplantguy) took on the preparation. As a former chef in New York, he created a delicious combination of OYSRÍ with cucumber-dill dressing and a chili-lime vinaigrette.
OYSRÍ was a hit, with the shells left completely empty. Given the event’s sustainable focus, the expertise of chef Jasper Riehm, and our vision as Premier Seafarmers by Nature, it only made sense not to simply discard the empty shells. That’s why we teamed up with @thatweirdplantguy for a challenge: What can we do with empty oyster shells instead of throwing them away?
Follow this adventure and see the results on Instagram and TikTok via @thatweirdplantguy!
As seafood specialists, we understand that it is essential not only to provide high-quality products but also to offer products that contribute to the preservation of healthy fish stocks and the improvement of marine life. OYSRÍ and Premier are 100% the right choice when you want to make a responsible and safe decision for your customers. With the MSC certification, you are assured of a sustainable choice, giving your customers confidence in the origin and quality of the product.
Would you like to learn more about OYSRÍ or the benefits for your product range? Contact us for the price list at or call us at +31 (0) 113 - 579 010.