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Mussels with Spanish Chorizo

A summer comfort dish with chorizo, lime and cilantro
Porties 4


  • 4 kg mussels
  • 400 gram peeled tomatoes
  • 1 chorizo in pieces
  • 1 lime grater and juice
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 shallot minced fine
  • 1 chili pepper minced fine
  • 1 bunch cilantro minced fine
  • 1 glass rose


  • Sauté the shallot, chile, garlic, lime zest and chorizo
  • Deglaze with the rosé and add the tomatoes
  • Heat the mixture until well heated
  • Add the mussels to the pan and place the lid on until all the mussels are open
  • Squeeze the lime and chop the cilantro, add to taste
  • Serve with such things as bread, rice or couscous
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