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Roasted La Zélandaise oyster | kiwi gel | wasabi crunch | smoked vinaigrette



Kiwi gel

  • 1 liter kiwi puree boillon
  • 13 gram agar agar
  • 50 gram sugar
  • 5 gram salt

Smoked vinaigrette

  • 1/2 shallot
  • 50 ml raspberry vinegar
  • 100 ml smoked olive oil


  • 12 oysters
  • 1 cauliflower floret
  • 1 kiwi
  • cress
  • wasabi crunch
  • fried onions


Kiwi gel

  • Bring the kiwi puree to the boil with the sugar and salt
  • When the mixture is boiling, add agar agar. Boil this during 1 minute.
  • Pour the mixture in a container. Leave to cool completely and then move to the fridge. Leave it to fully set.
  • When the mixture has fully set, blend it smooth in a blender. This is done to remove any granules, resulting in a smooth and glossy gel.

Smoked vinaigrette

  • Finely chop the shallot.
  • Mix the raspberry vinegar and olive oil. Add the shallot. Mix well and set aside for later.


  • Open the oyster. Remove it from the shell. Place it on a platter. Carefully torch it with a gas burner. Be careful not to make them too dark
  • After torching, place them on a piece of kitchen paper to drain a bit.
  • Now, place the oysters on a plate. I have gone with 4 per person. Be creative with the presentation
  • Place little dots of the kiwi gel here and there. Add the vinaigrette with plenty of shallots/
  • Grate raw cauliflower over the entire dish. Finish the dish with microgreens and edible flowers. Also, add fresh kiwi in small cubes. Top it off with a wasabi crunch and fried onions.
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